Sunday, 5 February 2023

Fashion Fun Málaga! Chloé Cashmere, By Malene Birger Wool Wears & Chanel Espadrilles at La Manquita Málaga

Año Nuevo Chino 2023 en Málaga 


Hola y Qué tal Málaga! Departure from Helsinki by NORWEGIAN AIR, the direct flight takes approximately 4h45m to arrive. C1 rail line connects MÁLAGA AIRPORT (AGP) with downtown within 12 minutes, easily through the station gate with contactless card payment, there is no need to queue at ticket counter or rush to the vending machine. 


After checking at SOHO BOUTIQUE EQUITATIVA, La Manquita Cathedral is at walking distance. As full name Santa Iglesia Catedral Basílica de la Encarnación in Spanish, the North Tower is 84 meters high, standing the second tallest in Andalucía after Giralda of Seville. In order to defray the enormous expenses of the construction, after the War of Succession in 1714, the Crown of Spain imposed an excise tax on the ships that called in Málaga; therefore, in 1776, the work progressed rapidly until the drought of budget at the end of the 18th century. The South Tower remains unfinished, which led to the cathedral being nicknamed ‘LA MANQUITA’, meaning ‘The One-Armed Lady’ in English. 


Ranging between 5-15’c during the late January, mostly sunny but yet slightly chilly at nighttime, the outfits of the day during Chinese New Year in Málaga is mix-and-match of layering. 


CHLOÉ lightweight knit cashmere in antique rose hue, with embroidered logo, easy to slip on, perfectly matches with BY MALENE BIRGER woody brown puffy wool cardigan and black long coat, both composed in RWS/RMS 34% wool, 34% mohair, 27% polyamide and 5% elastane. The tie-neck design from CHLOÉ cashmere performs an extra colourful bandeau, in addition of VIVIENNE WESTWOOD 100% wool scarf in dark grey. AMERICAN APPAREL high waist leggings are just my forever essentials; though made in U.S.A in slightly shining 100% polyesters, they are durable and comfortable during the city walk. My AW outfits usually tend to choose bleak tones, from 2023 Chinese New Year, the rather too conservative routine meets the new light. 

CHANEL espadrilles in black raffia outer soles, warm denim sewn with golden threads in CC logo complete seized my gazes at CHANEL VENEZIA in November 2022. The rather thicker inner and outer soles of new version of espadrilles enable me to walk smoothly without hesitation in snowy Helsinki, also prevent me from the slippery marble pavement in Centro Historico Málaga. 


The barcode ticket is available to scan to have the audio guide on mobile phone. Walking in the cathedral, built on a rectangular plan, is composed of a nave and two aisles. The façade of La Manquita is in Baroque style and divided into two levels; on the lower level are three arches, inside of which are portals separated by marble columns. Above the doors are medallions carved in stone; those of the lateral doors represent the patron saints of Málaga, Saint Cyriacus and Saint Paula, while that over the centre represents the Annunciation. I especially adore the wood artworks sanctuary; among the other wonders, are Gothic altarpiece Chapel of Santa Barbara and the 16th century tombs of the Chapel of San Francisco. 


After meeting La Maquita, now it’s time to devour some delicious helado, again, in CASA MIRA!

TOP TIP 1: Layering with lightweight cashmere and then puffier wool wears during the winter season in south of Europe

TOP TIP 2: Bring along a pair of hotel shower caps in case of sudden rains to avoid the soak-in tragedy of espadrilles 


Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Cuisine Crush Málaga! Gelato Crujiente y Chocolate Caliente en Casa Mira

Málaga, España

Enero, Año Nuevo Chino 2023 


¿Qué comemos durante las visitas al museo? Sí, gelato crujiente y chocolate caliente! Dimas Mira e hijos, tan conocido como CASA MIRA, de donde ofrece la el gelato chocolate más delicioso y decoración más linda desde 1890. Caminé por La Manquita y lo encontré.


Gelato in Italian, helado in Spanish, derived from 1295, Marco Polo returned to Venice from China with a recipe similar to sorbet. Cosimo Ruggeri, from Firenze, created the first gelato—fior di latte—at the court of Medici, soon Catherine de Medici took gelato to Paris in the 1530s. Circa 1565, Bernardo Buontalenti, an innovator in ice conservation, made a sorbet with ice, salt, lemon, wine, milk, sugar, egg, honey, plus orange and bergamot flavours—gelato alla crema—therefore, Buontalenti is credited the precursor to modern Florentine gelato.


Severino Mira Cortés, the nougat manufacturer, arrived in Málaga in 1890 from Jijona, Alicante, over a century CASA MIRA has been avoiding to adopt the artificial flavors or sweeteners, emphasizing natural production process of gelato. By applying milk fat and fresh cream to create the dense taste and help the air dissolve in the gelato; as for my milky chocolate flavour, CASA MIRA bestows the whole milk (3.5%) as the raw material. Crunchy waffle cone with smooth icy chocolate…..winter time in Málaga is never cruel. 


Archaeologists have found evidence that Mayan cocoa consumption occurred as early as 500 BC; Maya ground cocoa seeds into a paste and mixed it with water, cornmeal and chili peppers. Circa 460-480 AD Mayan tomb from the site of Rio Azul, Guatemala, had vessels with the Maya glyph for cacao on them with residue of a chocolate, while not until 1502 on Columbus’ fourth voyage that Europeans have first contacted with the hot cocoa drink. 


In the 1560s, the Italian version of cioccolata calda, as known as hot chocolate or cocoa drink, was first born in Turin. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, asked for a new beverage in order to celebrate the capital of the Duchy of Savoy moved from Chambéry to Turin; therefore, the milky, thicker, creamy version was created.


The Spanish began to tinker with the recipes by using spices such as cinnamon, black pepper, anise, and sesame. As for the further studies in the 21st century, conducted by Dr. Norman K. Hollenberg, professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, that Flavonoids found in hot chocolate are beneficial to our cardiovascular health, since they reduce blood platelet buildup and balance levels of compounds called eicosanoids. Even my cup of chocolate at CASA MIRA does not adapt the black pepper to replace Mayan chillies and mecaxochitl, still, by the process of dissolving the milk chocolate bar, mixing with cinnamon, honey and cream, the hot cup gives a luscious taste of sensibility and satisfaction. 


Calle Císter 8


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