Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Just Do It: How to Make the Flora Tiara Without Wire Loop!

Flora Tiara is fragilely graceful, that’s how we love its delicate beauty. A tiara is the traditional symbolic form of headgear worn by a monarch or by a divinity, for whom the tiara traditionally represents health, victor, honour, and glory, as well as immortality and fertility. At lake house terrace, for the white night and sunny moment, let’s DIY our very unique tiara, have a Nordic coronation and crown ourselves.

Be Prepared:
Scissors and gloves

Step by Step

1. Into the wild, gather and cut several fresh flowers in a variety of sizes and colours, save the stem around 10~15cms. The number of flowers would require approximately 2 dozen individual flowers or 3 dozen bunches of miniature flowers, since during the DIY process, some flowers may fall or destruct easily. We picked as followed (with Finnish translation):

- Blue crownflower: ruiskaunokki/ ruiskukka
- Violets: orvokki
- Daisy: päivänkakkara
- Meadow Buttercup (poisonous): niittyleinikki
- Bee flower: Finnish folks call it 'mehiläiskukka' (a kind of rose)
- White rose: juhannusruusu
- Clover flower: apilankukka
- Lilac: metsäkurjenpolvi
- Baby’s Breath: ahopukinjuuri
- Magpie’s clock:harakankello (a kind of lilac)
- lupiini, lemmikki,kukkaseppele/kukkakranssi(Finnish names of various flower)
2.Gently hoop the stem of flowers while knitting, and leave about 5cm of flower steam so later we can tie a knot when we finish the crown.

3.Overlap the next flower over the stem of the first flower, as decoration, insert miniature flowers among the gaps between flower loop, until the entire hoop is covered.

4.Tie the flower stems with straws and knot them at least twice. Finally, trim any long stems with scissors that protrude from the flora tiara. According to experiences, a flora tiara may take 30mins to 1h30min.

OK! Now we have our outstanding headpiece, coronet time!!!

Photography: Mindy Yuan, Paukku
Special Thanks: Paukku ja Perhe Heikkinen


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